- Duct Testing
- Air Flow
- Qii
- Building Air Leakage (Blower Door)
- New Solar Homes Partnership
- Backdraft Testing
- Carbon Monoxide
- Refrigerant Charge
Frequently required for Title 24 compliance, the Home Energy Rating System involves an analysis of a home’s construction plans (Title 24 compliance) and on-site verifications. Your HERS Rater conducts on-site inspections, typically an HVAC duct leakage test, Fan Watt Draw, Quality Insulation Installation (Qii) and Air Flow tests. A HERS Rating is a requirement for many Green Building and energy efficient building standards throughout California. A HERS Rating is also a requirement for an Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) and/or an Energy Improvement Mortgage. It proves to be a great way to set your home apart in a crowded real estate market. Please fill out our HERS Inspection Form Today.